The NeTWork core group
NeTWork activities are managed by a core group of researchers who have been volunteering their expertise since the 1980s.
Marc Baumgartner, Skyguide and IFATCA (Switzerland)
Corinne Bieder, ENAC (France)
Prof. Mathilde Bourrier, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Dr. Catherine Calderwood, University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom),
Prof. Gudela Grote, ETHZ (Switzerland)
Dr. Jean-Christophe Le Coze, Ineris (France)
Dr. Eric Marsden, FonCSI (France)
Dr. Teemu Reiman, Lilikoi (Finland)
Prof. Siri Wiig, University of Stavanger (Norway)
Ernst Zirngast, retired from Swiss Re (Switzerland)
In addition, the following people are honorary members of NeTWork:
Prof. (Emeritus) Michael Baram, Boston University (USA)
Prof. Andrew Hale, HASTAM (UK)
Dr. Babette Fahlbruch, TÜV Nord (Germany)
Prof. Johannes Weyer, Technische Universität Dortmund (Germany)