The NeTWork core group

NeTWork activities are managed by a core group of researchers who have been volunteering their expertise since the 1980s.

  • Marc Baumgartner, Skyguide and IFATCA (Switzerland)

  • Corinne Bieder, ENAC (France)

  • Prof. Mathilde Bourrier, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

  • Dr. Catherine Calderwood, University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom),

  • Prof. Gudela Grote, ETHZ (Switzerland)

  • Dr. Jean-Christophe Le Coze, Ineris (France)

  • Dr. Eric Marsden, FonCSI (France)

  • Dr. Teemu Reiman, Lilikoi (Finland)

  • Prof. Siri Wiig, University of Stavanger (Norway)

  • Ernst Zirngast, retired from Swiss Re (Switzerland)

In addition, the following people are honorary members of NeTWork:

  • Prof. (Emeritus) Michael Baram, Boston University (USA)

  • Prof. Andrew Hale, HASTAM (UK)

  • Dr. Babette Fahlbruch, TÜV Nord (Germany)

  • Prof. Johannes Weyer, Technische Universität Dortmund (Germany)